CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ : { '1' => Net::HTTPInformation, '2' => Net::HTTPSuccess, '3' => Net::HTTPRedirection, '4' => Net::HTTPClientError, '5' => Net::HTTPServerError }

CODE_TO_OBJ : { '100' => Net::HTTPContinue, '101' => Net::HTTPSwitchProtocol, '200' => Net::HTTPOK, '201' => Net::HTTPCreated, '202' => Net::HTTPAccepted, '203' => Net::HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation, '204' => Net::HTTPNoContent, '205' => Net::HTTPResetContent, '206' => Net::HTTPPartialContent, '207' => Net::HTTPMultiStatus, '300' => Net::HTTPMultipleChoices, '301' => Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, '302' => Net::HTTPFound, '303' => Net::HTTPSeeOther, '304' => Net::HTTPNotModified, '305' => Net::HTTPUseProxy, '307' => Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect, '400' => Net::HTTPBadRequest, '401' => Net::HTTPUnauthorized, '402' => Net::HTTPPaymentRequired, '403' => Net::HTTPForbidden, '404' => Net::HTTPNotFound, '405' => Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed, '406' => Net::HTTPNotAcceptable, '407' => Net::HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired, '408' => Net::HTTPRequestTimeOut, '409' => Net::HTTPConflict, '410' => Net::HTTPGone, '411' => Net::HTTPLengthRequired, '412' => Net::HTTPPreconditionFailed, '413' => Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, '414' => Net::HTTPRequestURITooLong, '415' => Net::HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, '416' => Net::HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, '417' => Net::HTTPExpectationFailed, '422' => Net::HTTPUnprocessableEntity, '423' => Net::HTTPLocked, '424' => Net::HTTPFailedDependency, '426' => Net::HTTPUpgradeRequired, '428' => Net::HTTPPreconditionRequired, '429' => Net::HTTPTooManyRequests, '431' => Net::HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, '500' => Net::HTTPInternalServerError, '501' => Net::HTTPNotImplemented, '502' => Net::HTTPBadGateway, '503' => Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable, '504' => Net::HTTPGatewayTimeOut, '505' => Net::HTTPVersionNotSupported, '507' => Net::HTTPInsufficientStorage, '511' => Net::HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, }

HTTP response class.

This class wraps together the response header and the response body (the entity requested).

It mixes in the HTTPHeader module, which provides access to response header values both via hash-like methods and via individual readers.

Note that each possible HTTP response code defines its own HTTPResponse subclass. These are listed below.

All classes are defined under the Net module. Indentation indicates inheritance. For a list of the classes see Net::HTTP.


body() Instance Public methods Returns the full entity body.

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body=(value) Instance Public methods Because it may be necessary to modify the

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value() Instance Public methods Raises an HTTP error if the response is not

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inspect() Instance Public methods

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read_body(dest = nil, &block) Instance Public methods Gets the entity body

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entity() Instance Public methods Alias for:

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body_permitted?() Class Public methods true if the response has a body.

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