public slice (mixed $value, [mixed $start], [mixed $end]) Extracts a slice from a string/array/traversable
public sort (array $value) Sorts an array
public render (mixed $templatePath, mixed $params, [mixed $mustClean]) Renders a view using the
public getCompiler () Returns the Volt’s compiler
public convertEncoding (mixed $text, mixed $from, mixed $to) Performs a string conversion
public callMacro (mixed $name, [array $arguments]) Checks if a macro is defined and calls it
extends abstract class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine
public getOptions () Return Volt’s options
public isIncluded (mixed $needle, mixed $haystack) Checks if the needle is included in the haystack
public length (mixed $item) Length filter. If an array/object is passed a count is performed otherwise a strlen/mb_strlen
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