public array parse (string $viewCode) Parses a Volt template returning its intermediate representation
public compileForElse () Generates a ‘forelse’ PHP code
public compile (mixed $templatePath, [mixed $extendsMode]) Compiles a template into a file applying the compiler
public string compileEcho (array $statement) Compiles a ‘{{‘ ‘}}’ statement returning PHP code
public addFilter (mixed $name, mixed $definition) Register a new filter in the compiler
public compileElseIf (array $statement) Compiles a “elseif” statement returning PHP code
public addFunction (mixed $name, mixed $definition) Register a new function in the compiler
public getFunctions () Register the user registered functions
public setDI (Phalcon\DiInterface $dependencyInjector)
public compileCache (array $statement, [mixed $extendsMode]) Compiles a “cache” statement returning PHP code
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