public setUniquePrefix (mixed $prefix) Set a unique prefix to be used as prefix for compiled variables
public compileInclude (array $statement) Compiles a ‘include’ statement returning PHP code
public resolveTest (array $test, mixed $left) Resolves filter intermediate code into a valid PHP expression
public functionCall (array $expr) Resolves function intermediate code into PHP function calls
public string | array compileFile (string $path, string $compiledPath, [boolean $extendsMode])
final public mixed fireExtensionEvent (string $name, [array $arguments]) Fires an event to registered
final public expression (array $expr) Resolves an expression node in an AST volt tree
public setOptions (array $options) Sets the compiler options
public compileString (mixed $viewCode, [mixed $extendsMode]) Compiles a template into a string
public attributeReader (array $expr) Resolves attribute reading
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