protected static DrupalKernel::validateHostnameLength($host)
public static DrupalKernel::validateHostname(Request $request)
Whether the PHP environment has been initialized. This legacy phase can only be booted once because it sets session INI settings. If a session
protected DrupalKernel::initializeSettings(Request $request)
protected DrupalKernel::getContainerBuilder() Gets
The class loader object. Type: \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader File
public DrupalKernel::setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = NULL)
Holds the class used for dumping the container to a PHP array. In combination with swapping the container class this is useful to e.g. dump
public DrupalKernel::getContainer() Gets
protected DrupalKernel::initializeRequestGlobals(Request $request)
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