First install Uglify. Since the point of Uglify is to mangle your code, we also need to install vinyl-buffer and gulp-sourcemaps to keep sourcemaps working.
npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify vinyl-buffer gulp-sourcemaps
Now change your gulpfile to the following:
var gulp = require("gulp"); var browserify = require("browserify"); var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); var tsify = require("tsify"); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'); var paths = { pages: ['src/*.html'] }; gulp.task("copy-html", function () { return gulp.src(paths.pages) .pipe(gulp.dest("dist")); }); gulp.task("default", ["copy-html"], function () { return browserify({ basedir: '.', debug: true, entries: ['src/main.ts'], cache: {}, packageCache: {} }) .plugin(tsify) .bundle() .pipe(source('bundle.js')) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('./')) .pipe(gulp.dest("dist")); });
Notice that uglify
itself has just one call — the calls to buffer
and sourcemaps
exist to make sure sourcemaps keep working. These calls give us a separate sourcemap file instead of using inline sourcemaps like before. Now you can run Gulp and check that bundle.js
does get minified into an unreadable mess:
gulp cat dist/bundle.js
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