
class tf.contrib.distributions.Gamma

The Gamma distribution with parameter alpha and beta.

The parameters are the shape and inverse scale parameters alpha, beta.

The PDF of this distribution is:

pdf(x) = (beta^alpha)(x^(alpha-1))e^(-x*beta)/Gamma(alpha), x > 0

and the CDF of this distribution is:

cdf(x) = GammaInc(alpha, beta * x) / Gamma(alpha), x > 0

where GammaInc is the incomplete lower Gamma function.

WARNING: This distribution may draw 0-valued samples for small alpha values. See the note on tf.random_gamma.


dist = Gamma(alpha=3.0, beta=2.0)
dist2 = Gamma(alpha=[3.0, 4.0], beta=[2.0, 3.0])
2016-10-14 12:53:00
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