
tf.contrib.learn.read_batch_examples(file_pattern, batch_size, reader, randomize_input=True, num_epochs=None, queue_capacity=10000, num_threads=1, read_batch_size=1, parse_fn=None, name=None)

Adds operations to read, queue, batch Example protos.

Given file pattern (or list of files), will setup a queue for file names, read Example proto using provided reader, use batch queue to create batches of examples of size batch_size.

All queue runners are added to the queue runners collection, and may be started via start_queue_runners.

All ops are added to the default graph.

Use parse_fn if you need to do parsing / processing on single examples.

  • file_pattern: List of files or pattern of file paths containing Example records. See tf.gfile.Glob for pattern rules.
  • batch_size: An int or scalar Tensor specifying the batch size to use.
  • reader: A function or class that returns an object with read method, (filename tensor) -> (example tensor).
  • randomize_input: Whether the input should be randomized.
  • num_epochs: Integer specifying the number of times to read through the dataset. If None, cycles through the dataset forever. NOTE - If specified, creates a variable that must be initialized, so call tf.initialize_all_variables() as shown in the tests.
  • queue_capacity: Capacity for input queue.
  • num_threads: The number of threads enqueuing examples.
  • read_batch_size: An int or scalar Tensor specifying the number of records to read at once
  • parse_fn: Parsing function, takes Example Tensor returns parsed representation. If None, no parsing is done.
  • name: Name of resulting op.

String Tensor of batched Example proto.

  • ValueError: for invalid inputs.
2016-10-14 13:06:50
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