

The @expectedExceptionMessage annotation works similar to @expectedExceptionCode as it lets you make an assertion on the error message of an exception.

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase
     * @expectedException        MyException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Some Message
    public function testExceptionHasRightMessage()
        throw new MyException('Some Message', 20);

The expected message can be a substring of the exception Message. This can be useful to only assert that a certain name or parameter that was passed in shows up in the exception and not fixate the whole exception message in the test.

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase
      * @expectedException        MyException
      * @expectedExceptionMessage broken
     public function testExceptionHasRightMessage()
         $param = "broken";
         throw new MyException('Invalid parameter "'.$param.'".', 20);

To ease testing and reduce duplication a shortcut can be used to specify a class constant as an @expectedExceptionMessage using the "@expectedExceptionMessage ClassName::CONST" syntax. A sample can be found in the section called “@expectedExceptionCode”.

2016-10-16 15:37:30
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