@group A test can be tagged as belonging to one or more groups using the @group annotation like this
@expectedExceptionMessage The @expectedExceptionMessage annotation works similar to @e
@backupGlobals The backup and restore operations for global variables can be completely disabled for all tests of a test case class like this
@medium The @medium annotation is an alias for @group medium. A medium test must
@expectedExceptionMessageRegExp The expected message can also be specified as a regular expression using the @expec
@after The @after annotation can be used to specify methods that should be called after each test method in a
@preserveGlobalState When a test is run in a separate process, PHPUnit will attempt to preserve the global state from the parent process by
@author The @author annotation is an alias for the @group annotation (see
@runTestsInSeparateProcesses Indicates that all tests in a test class should be run in a separate PHP process.
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