Prepares variables for update project status templates.
Default template: update-project-status.html.twig.
array $variables: An associative array containing:
- project: An array of information about the project.
- core/modules/update/update.report.inc, line 112
- Code required only when rendering the available updates report.
function template_preprocess_update_project_status(&$variables) { // Storing by reference because we are sorting the project values. $project = &$variables['project']; // Set the project title and URL. $variables['title'] = (isset($project['title'])) ? $project['title'] : $project['name']; $variables['url'] = (isset($project['link'])) ? Url::fromUri($project['link'])->toString() : NULL; $variables['install_type'] = $project['install_type']; if ($project['install_type'] == 'dev' && !empty($project['datestamp'])) { $variables['datestamp'] = format_date($project['datestamp'], 'custom', 'Y-M-d'); } $variables['existing_version'] = $project['existing_version']; $versions_inner = array(); $security_class = array(); $version_class = array(); if (isset($project['recommended'])) { if ($project['status'] != UPDATE_CURRENT || $project['existing_version'] !== $project['recommended']) { // First, figure out what to recommend. // If there's only 1 security update and it has the same version we're // recommending, give it the same CSS class as if it was recommended, // but don't print out a separate "Recommended" line for this project. if (!empty($project['security updates']) && count($project['security updates']) == 1 && $project['security updates'][0]['version'] === $project['recommended'] ) { $security_class[] = 'project-update__version--recommended'; $security_class[] = 'project-update__version---strong'; } else { $version_class[] = 'project-update__version--recommended'; // Apply an extra class if we're displaying both a recommended // version and anything else for an extra visual hint. if ($project['recommended'] !== $project['latest_version'] || !empty($project['also']) || ($project['install_type'] == 'dev' && isset($project['dev_version']) && $project['latest_version'] !== $project['dev_version'] && $project['recommended'] !== $project['dev_version']) || (isset($project['security updates'][0]) && $project['recommended'] !== $project['security updates'][0]) ) { $version_class[] = 'project-update__version--recommended-strong'; } $versions_inner[] = array( '#theme' => 'update_version', '#version' => $project['releases'][$project['recommended']], '#title' => t('Recommended version:'), '#attributes' => array('class' => $version_class), ); } // Now, print any security updates. if (!empty($project['security updates'])) { $security_class[] = 'version-security'; foreach ($project['security updates'] as $security_update) { $versions_inner[] = array( '#theme' => 'update_version', '#version' => $security_update, '#title' => t('Security update:'), '#attributes' => array('class' => $security_class), ); } } } if ($project['recommended'] !== $project['latest_version']) { $versions_inner[] = array( '#theme' => 'update_version', '#version' => $project['releases'][$project['latest_version']], '#title' => t('Latest version:'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('version-latest')), ); } if ($project['install_type'] == 'dev' && $project['status'] != UPDATE_CURRENT && isset($project['dev_version']) && $project['recommended'] !== $project['dev_version']) { $versions_inner[] = array( '#theme' => 'update_version', '#version' => $project['releases'][$project['dev_version']], '#title' => t('Development version:'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('version-latest')), ); } } if (isset($project['also'])) { foreach ($project['also'] as $also) { $versions_inner[] = array( '#theme' => 'update_version', '#version' => $project['releases'][$also], '#title' => t('Also available:'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('version-also-available')), ); } } if (!empty($versions_inner)) { $variables['versions'] = $versions_inner; } if (!empty($project['disabled'])) { sort($project['disabled']); $variables['disabled'] = $project['disabled']; } sort($project['includes']); $variables['includes'] = $project['includes']; $variables['extras'] = array(); if (!empty($project['extra'])) { foreach ($project['extra'] as $value) { $extra_item = array(); $extra_item['attributes'] = new Attribute(); $extra_item['label'] = $value['label']; $extra_item['data'] = [ '#prefix' => '<em>', '#markup' => $value['data'], '#suffix' => '</em>' ]; $variables['extras'][] = $extra_item; } } // Set the project status details. $status_label = NULL; switch ($project['status']) { case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE: $status_label = t('Security update required!'); break; case UPDATE_REVOKED: $status_label = t('Revoked!'); break; case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED: $status_label = t('Not supported!'); break; case UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT: $status_label = t('Update available'); break; case UPDATE_CURRENT: $status_label = t('Up to date'); break; } $variables['status']['label'] = $status_label; $variables['status']['attributes'] = new Attribute(); $variables['status']['reason'] = (isset($project['reason'])) ? $project['reason'] : NULL; switch ($project['status']) { case UPDATE_CURRENT: $uri = 'core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg'; $text = t('Ok'); break; case UPDATE_UNKNOWN: case UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING: case UPDATE_NOT_FETCHED: $uri = 'core/misc/icons/e29700/warning.svg'; $text = t('Warning'); break; case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE: case UPDATE_REVOKED: case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED: $uri = 'core/misc/icons/e32700/error.svg'; $text = t('Error'); break; case UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED: case UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT: default: $uri = 'core/misc/icons/e29700/warning.svg'; $text = t('Warning'); break; } $variables['status']['icon'] = array( '#theme' => 'image', '#width' => 18, '#height' => 18, '#uri' => $uri, '#alt' => $text, '#title' => $text, ); }
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