Default theme implementation for the project status report.
Available variables:
- title: The project title.
- url: The project url.
status: The project status.
- label: The project status label.
- attributes: HTML attributes for the project status.
- reason: The reason you should update the project.
- icon: The project status version indicator icon.
- existing_version: The version of the installed project.
- versions: The available versions of the project.
- install_type: The type of project (e.g., dev).
- datestamp: The date/time of a project version's release.
extras: HTML attributes and additional information about the project.
- attributes: HTML attributes for the extra item.
- label: The label for an extra item.
- data: The data about an extra item.
- includes: The projects within the project.
- disabled: The currently disabled projects in the project.
See also
Related topics
- Theme system overview
- Functions and templates for the user interface that themes can override.
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