
simulation.on(typenames, [listener])

If listener is specified, sets the event listener for the specified typenames and returns this simulation. If an event listener was already registered for the same type and name, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added. If listener is null, removes the current event listeners for the specified typenames, if any. If listener is not specified, returns the first currently-assigned listener matching the specified typenames, if any. When a specified event is dispatched, each listener will be invoked with the this context as the simulation.

The typenames is a string containing one or more typename separated by whitespace. Each typename is a type, optionally followed by a period (.) and a name, such as and; the name allows multiple listeners to be registered for the same type. The type must be one of the following:

  • tick - after each tick of the simulation’s internal timer.
  • end - after the simulation’s timer stops when alpha < alphaMin.

Note that tick events are not dispatched when simulation.tick is called manually; events are only dispatched by the internal timer and are intended for interactive rendering of the simulation. To affect the simulation, register forces instead of modifying nodes’ positions or velocities inside a tick event listener.

See dispatch.on for details.

2016-11-24 10:29:05
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