Displaying the Keys in an Object

Displaying the Keys in an Object

If you need to display all of the keys or values of a JavaScript object in your template, you can use the {{#each-in}} helper:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  willRender() {
    // Set the "categories" property to a JavaScript object
    // with the category name as the key and the value a list
    // of products.
    this.set('categories', {
      'Bourbons': ['Bulleit', 'Four Roses', 'Woodford Reserve'],
      'Ryes': ['WhistlePig', 'High West']
  {{#each-in categories as |category products|}}
        {{#each products as |product|}}

The template inside of the {{#each-in}} block is repeated once for each key in the passed object. The first block parameter (category in the above example) is the key for this iteration, while the second block parameter (products) is the actual value of that key.

The above example will print a list like this:

      <li>Four Roses</li>
      <li>Woodford Reserve</li>
      <li>High West</li>


The {{#each-in}} helper does not observe property changes to the object passed into it. In the above example, if you were to add a key to the component's categories property after the component had rendered, the template would not automatically update.

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  willRender() {
    this.set('categories', {
      'Bourbons': ['Bulleit', 'Four Roses', 'Woodford Reserve'],
      'Ryes': ['WhistlePig', 'High West']

  actions: {
    addCategory(category) {
      // This won't work!
      let categories = this.get('categories');
      categories[category] = [];

In order to cause a component to re-render after you have added, removed or changed a property from an object, you need to either set() the property on the component again, or manually trigger a re-render of the component via rerender():

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  willRender() {
    this.set('categories', {
      'Bourbons': ['Bulleit', 'Four Roses', 'Woodford Reserve'],
      'Ryes': ['WhistlePig', 'High West']

  actions: {
    addCategory(category) {
      let categories = this.get('categories');
      categories[category] = [];

      // A manual re-render causes the DOM to be updated


An object's keys will be listed in the same order as the array returned from calling Object.keys on that object. If you want a different sort order, you should use Object.keys to get an array, sort that array with the built-in JavaScript tools, and use the {{#each}} helper instead.

Empty Lists

The {{#each-in}} helper can have a matching {{else}}. The contents of this block will render if the object is empty, null, or undefined:

{{#each-in people as |name person|}}
  Hello, {{name}}! You are {{person.age}} years old.
  Sorry, nobody is here.
2016-11-30 16:49:19
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