Inspecting Objects via the Container
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Ember Inspector

Inspecting Objects via the Container Every Ember application has a container that maintains object instances for you. You can inspect these

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Using Block Params
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Components

Using Block Params Components can have properties passed in (Passing Properties to a Component), but they can also return output to be used

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Embedding Applications
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Configuring Ember.js

Embedding Applications In most cases, your application's entire UI will be created by templates that are managed by the router.

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Rendering a Template
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Routing

Rendering a Template One job of a route handler is rendering the appropriate template to the screen. By default

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  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Templates

Actions Your app will often need a way to let users interact with controls that change application state. For example, imagine that you have

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Query Parameters
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Routing

Query Parameters Query parameters are optional key-value pairs that appear to the right of the ? in a URL. For example, the following

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Defining a Component
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Components

Defining a Component To define a component, run: ember

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Input Helpers
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Templates

Input Helpers The {{input}} and {{textarea}} helpers in Ember.js are the easiest way to create common form controls

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Core Concepts
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Getting Started

Core Concepts Before you start writing any Ember code, it's a good idea to get an overview of how an Ember application works.

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Acceptance Tests
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Testing

Acceptance Tests To create an acceptance test, run ember generate acceptance-test <name>. For example:

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