Adding Nested Routes
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Adding Nested Routes Up to this point, we've generated four top level routes. An about route

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Using Ember Data
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Using Ember Data Currently, our app is using hard-coded data for rentals in the rentals route handler to set the model

2025-01-10 15:47:30
The Model Hook
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

The Model Hook Now, let's add a list of available rentals to the index template. We know that rentals will not be static, since eventually

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Setting Up Tests
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Setting Up Tests To demonstrate the basic setup and processing of an Ember application, this section will walk through building an Ember application

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  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Deploying To deploy an Ember application simply transfer the output from ember build to a web server. This can be done with standard

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Installing Addons
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Installing Addons Ember has a rich ecosystem of addons that can be easily added to projects. Addons provide a wide range of functionality

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Building a Simple Component
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Building a Simple Component As a user looks through our list of rentals, they may want to have some interactive options to help them make

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Services and Utilities
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Services and Utilities For Super Rentals, we want to be able to display a map showing where each rental is. To implement this feature, we

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Routes and Templates
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Routes and Templates Ember uses routes to define logical, addressable pages within our application. In Super

2025-01-10 15:47:30
Creating a Handlebars Helper
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Creating a Handlebars Helper So far, our app is directly showing the user data from our Ember Data models. As our app grows, we will want

2025-01-10 15:47:30