Computed Properties What are Computed Properties? In a nutshell, computed properties
Classes and Instances As you learn about Ember, you'll see code like Ember.Component.extend() and DS.Model.extend()
Enumerables In Ember.js, an enumerable is any object that contains a number of child objects, and which allows you to work with those children
Bindings Unlike most other frameworks that include some sort of binding implementation, bindings in Ember.js can be used with any object.
Objects in Ember You'll notice standard JavaScript class patterns and the new ES2015 classes aren't widely used in Ember. Plain objects can
Observers Ember supports observing any property, including computed properties. Observers should contain behavior
Computed Properties and Aggregate Data Sometimes you have a computed property whose value depends on the properties of items in an array.
Reopening Classes and Instances You don't need to define a class all at once. You can reopen a class and define new properties using the