
new Group(game, parent, name, addToStage, enableBody, physicsBodyType)

A Group is a container for display objects including Sprites and Images.

Groups form the logical tree structure of the display/scene graph where local transformations are applied to children.
For instance, all children are also moved/rotated/scaled when the group is moved/rotated/scaled.

In addition, Groups provides support for fast pooling and object recycling.

Groups are also display objects and can be nested as children within other Groups.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

parent DisplayObject | null <optional>
(game world)

The parent Group (or other DisplayObject) that this group will be added to.
If undefined/unspecified the Group will be added to the Game World; if null the Group will not be added to any parent.

name string <optional>

A name for this group. Not used internally but useful for debugging.

addToStage boolean <optional>

If true this group will be added directly to the Game.Stage instead of Game.World.

enableBody boolean <optional>

If true all Sprites created with #create or #createMulitple will have a physics body created on them. Change the body type with #physicsBodyType.

physicsBodyType integer <optional>

The physics body type to use when physics bodies are automatically added. See #physicsBodyType for values.

Source code: core/Group.js (Line 27)
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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