
<static> pad(str, len, pad, dir) → {string}

Takes the given string and pads it out, to the length required, using the character
specified. For example if you need a string to be 6 characters long, you can call:

pad('bob', 6, '-', 2)

This would return: bob--- as it has padded it out to 6 characters, using the - on the right.

You can also use it to pad numbers (they are always returned as strings):

pad(512, 6, '0', 1)

Would return: 000512 with the string padded to the left.

If you don't specify a direction it'll pad to both sides:

pad('c64', 7, '*')

Would return: **c64**

Name Type Argument Default Description
str string

The target string. toString() will be called on the string, which means you can also pass in common data types like numbers.

len integer <optional>

The number of characters to be added.

pad string <optional>
" "

The string to pad it out with (defaults to a space).

dir integer <optional>

The direction dir = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (both).

string -

The padded string.

Source code: utils/Utils.js (Line 161)
2017-02-14 11:19:18
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