
static castCharacterData(DOMCharacterData $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters DOMCharacterData $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested


static castDocument(DOMDocument $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested, $filter) Parameters DOMDocument $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested $filter


static castDomError(DOMDomError $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters DOMDomError $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested


static castElement(DOMElement $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters DOMElement $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested


static castDocumentType(DOMDocumentType $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters DOMDocumentType $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested


class DOMCaster Casts DOM related classes to array representation. Methods static castException(DOMException $e, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castLength($dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castImplementation($dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castNode(DOMNode $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castNameSpaceNode(DOMNameSpaceNode $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castDocument(DOMDocument $dom, array $a, St


static castAttr(DOMAttr $dom, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters DOMAttr $dom array $a Stub $stub $isNested


class DoctrineValidationPass implements CompilerPassInterface Registers additional validators. Methods __construct($managerType) process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Details __construct($managerType) Parameters $managerType process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.


interface DomainObjectInterface This method can be implemented by domain objects which you want to store ACLs for if they do not have a getId() method, or getId() does not return a unique identifier. Methods string getObjectIdentifier() Returns a unique identifier for this domain object. Details string getObjectIdentifier() Returns a unique identifier for this domain object. Return Value string


string|null getParent() Returns the name of the parent type. Return Value string|null The name of the parent type if any, null otherwise