
static string createChoiceName(object $choice, int|string $key, string $value) Creates the field name for a choice. This method is used to generate field names if the underlying object has a single-column integer ID. In that case, the value of the field is the ID of the object. That ID is also used as field name. Parameters object $choice The object int|string $key The choice key string $value The choice value. Corresponds to the object's ID here. Return Value string


abstract EntityLoaderInterface getLoader(ObjectManager $manager, mixed $queryBuilder, string $class) Return the default loader object. Parameters ObjectManager $manager mixed $queryBuilder string $class Return Value EntityLoaderInterface


static string createChoiceLabel(object $choice) Creates the label for a choice. For backwards compatibility, objects are cast to strings by default. Parameters object $choice The object Return Value string The string representation of the object


configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) Configures the options for this type. Parameters OptionsResolver $resolver The resolver for the options


string|null getParent() Returns the name of the parent type. Return Value string|null The name of the parent type if any, null otherwise


class DoctrineType extends AbstractType Methods buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) Builds the form. buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Builds the form view. from AbstractType finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Finishes the form view. from AbstractType configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) Configures the options for this type. string getBlockPrefix() Returns the prefix of the template bloc


buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) Builds the form. This method is called for each type in the hierarchy starting from the top most type. Type extensions can further modify the form. Parameters FormBuilderInterface $builder The form builder array $options The options


PersistentTokenInterface loadTokenBySeries(string $series) Loads the active token for the given series. Parameters string $series Return Value PersistentTokenInterface Exceptions TokenNotFoundException if the token is not found


class DoctrineTokenProvider implements TokenProviderInterface This class provides storage for the tokens that is set in "remember me" cookies. This way no password secrets will be stored in the cookies on the client machine, and thus the security is improved. This depends only on doctrine in order to get a database connection and to do the conversion of the datetime column. In order to use this class, you need the following table in your database: CREATE TABLE rememberme_token ( series char(


updateToken(string $series, string $tokenValue, DateTime $lastUsed) Updates the token according to this data. Parameters string $series string $tokenValue DateTime $lastUsed Exceptions TokenNotFoundException if the token is not found