
class CachingFactoryDecorator implements ChoiceListFactoryInterface Caches the choice lists created by the decorated factory. Methods static string generateHash(mixed $value, string $namespace = '') Generates a SHA-256 hash for the given value. __construct(ChoiceListFactoryInterface $decoratedFactory) Decorates the given factory. ChoiceListFactoryInterface getDecoratedFactory() Returns the decorated factory. ChoiceListInterface createListFromChoices(array|Traversable $choi


interface CacheWarmerInterface implements WarmableInterface Interface for classes able to warm up the cache. Methods warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. from WarmableInterface bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. Details warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is




setWarmers(array $warmers) Parameters array $warmers


add(CacheWarmerInterface $warmer) Parameters CacheWarmerInterface $warmer


warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory


bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. Return Value bool true if the warmer is optional, false otherwise


class CacheWarmerAggregate implements CacheWarmerInterface Aggregates several cache warmers into a single one. Methods __construct(array $warmers = array()) enableOptionalWarmers() warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. setWarmers(array $warmers) add(CacheWarmerInterface $warmer) Details __construct(array $warmers = array()) Parameters array $wa


static getServiceProvider(ContainerBuilder $container, $name) Parameters ContainerBuilder $container $name


class CacheLoader extends Loader CacheLoader is a loader that caches other loaders responses on the filesystem. This cache only caches on disk to allow PHP accelerators to cache the opcodes. All other mechanism would imply the use of eval(). Methods setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) Sets the debug logger to use for this loader. from Loader __construct(LoaderInterface $loader, string $dir) Constructor. Storage|bool load(TemplateReferenceInterface $template) Loads a template.