
ClassMetadata|false read(string $class) Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache. Parameters string $class Class Name Return Value ClassMetadata|false A ClassMetadata instance or false on miss


expiresAt($expiration) {@inheritdoc} Parameters $expiration


class CacheItem implements CacheItemInterface Methods getKey() {@inheritdoc} get() {@inheritdoc} isHit() {@inheritdoc} set($value) {@inheritdoc} expiresAt($expiration) {@inheritdoc} expiresAfter($time) {@inheritdoc} static validateKey(string $key) Validates a cache key according to PSR-6. static log(LoggerInterface $logger = null, $message, $context = array()) Internal logging helper. Details getKey() {@inherit


class CacheClearCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand Clear and Warmup the cache. Methods __construct(string|null $name = null) Constructor. from Command ignoreValidationErrors() Ignores validation errors. from Command setApplication(Application $application = null) Sets the application instance for this command. from Command setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet) Sets the helper set. from Command HelperSet getHelperSet() Gets the helper set. from Command Application getA


class CacheException extends Exception implements CacheException


interface CacheInterface Persists ClassMetadata instances in a cache. Methods has(string $class) Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache. ClassMetadata|false read(string $class) Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache. write(ClassMetadata $metadata) Stores a class metadata in the cache. Details has(string $class) Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache. Parameters st


interface CacheClearerInterface CacheClearerInterface. Methods clear(string $cacheDir) Clears any caches necessary. Details clear(string $cacheDir) Clears any caches necessary. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory


bool hasMetadataFor(mixed $value) Checks if class has metadata. Parameters mixed $value Return Value bool


class CacheClassMetadataFactory implements ClassMetadataFactoryInterface Caches metadata using a PSR-6 implementation. Traits ClassResolverTrait Resolves a class name. Methods __construct(ClassMetadataFactoryInterface $decorated, CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPool) ClassMetadataInterface getMetadataFor(string|object $value) If the method was called with the same class name (or an object of that class) before, the same metadata instance is returned. bool hasMetadataFor


interface ButtonTypeInterface implements FormTypeInterface A type that should be converted into a {@link Button} instance. Methods buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) Builds the form. from FormTypeInterface buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Builds the form view. from FormTypeInterface finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Finishes the form view. from FormTypeInterface setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolver