Classes ExceptionController ExceptionController.
Classes TimedTwigEngine Times the time spent to render a template.
Classes EnvironmentConfigurator Twig environment configurator.
Classes LintCommand Command that will validate your template syntax and output encountered errors.
Classes InMemoryFactory InMemoryFactory creates services for the memory provider. Interfaces UserProviderFactoryInterface UserProviderFactoryInterface is the interface for all user provider factories.
Classes AclSchemaListener Merges ACL schema into the given schema.
Namespaces Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Templating\Helper
Classes LogoutUrlExtension LogoutUrlHelper provides generator functions for the logout URL to Twig.
Classes LogoutUrlHelper LogoutUrlHelper provides generator functions for the logout URL. SecurityHelper SecurityHelper provides read-only access to the security context.
Classes FirewallContext This is a wrapper around the actual firewall configuration which allows us to lazy load the context for one specific firewall only when we need it. FirewallMap This is a lazy-loading firewall map implementation
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