
Classes ConstraintValidatorFactory Uses a service container to create constraint validators.


Classes PhpExtractor PhpExtractor extracts translation messages from a PHP template. TranslationLoader TranslationLoader loads translation messages from translation files. Translator Translator.


Classes FilesystemLoader FilesystemLoader is a loader that read templates from the filesystem. TemplateLocator TemplateLocator locates templates in bundles.


Classes ActionsHelper ActionsHelper manages action inclusions. CodeHelper CodeHelper. FormHelper FormHelper provides helpers to help display forms. RequestHelper RequestHelper provides access to the current request parameters. RouterHelper RouterHelper manages links between pages in a template context. SessionHelper SessionHelper provides read-only access to the session attributes. TranslatorHelper TranslatorHelper.


Namespaces Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\AssetSymfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\HelperSymfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Loader Classes Debugger Binds the Symfony templating loader debugger to the Symfony logger. DelegatingEngine DelegatingEngine selects an engine for a given template. GlobalVariables GlobalVariables is the entry point for Symfony global variables in Twig templates. PhpEngine This engine knows how to render Symfony templates. Templa


Classes HttpCache Manages HTTP cache objects in a Container.


Classes AddCacheClearerPass Registers the cache clearers. AddCacheWarmerPass Registers the cache warmers. AddConstraintValidatorsPass AddValidatorInitializersPass CompilerDebugDumpPass ContainerBuilderDebugDumpPass Dumps the ContainerBuilder to a cache file so that it can be used by debugging tools such as the container:debug console command. FormPass Adds all services with the tags "form.type" and "form.type_guesser" as arguments of the "form.extension" service Fra


Classes MicroKernelTrait A Kernel that provides configuration hooks.


Classes SessionListener Sets the session in the request. TestSessionListener TestSessionListener.


Classes ContainerAwareHIncludeFragmentRenderer Implements the Hinclude rendering strategy.