
interface BundleWriterInterface Writes resource bundle files. Methods write(string $path, string $locale, mixed $data) Writes data to a resource bundle. Details write(string $path, string $locale, mixed $data) Writes data to a resource bundle. Parameters string $path The path to the resource bundle string $locale The locale to (over-)write mixed $data The data to write


interface BundleWriterInterface Writes resource bundle files. Methods write(string $path, string $locale, mixed $data) Writes data to a resource bundle. Details write(string $path, string $locale, mixed $data) Writes data to a resource bundle. Parameters string $path The path to the resource bundle. string $locale The locale to (over-)write. mixed $data The data to write.


createStubs(StubbingContextInterface $context) Parameters StubbingContextInterface $context


compileBundles(CompilationContextInterface $context) Runs the compilation with the given compilation context. Parameters CompilationContextInterface $context The context storing information needed to run the compilation. Exceptions RuntimeException If any of the files to be compiled by the loaded compilation rules does not exist.


Classes DumpDataCollectorPass Registers the file link format for the {@link \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DumpDataCollector}.


Namespaces Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DependencyInjection Classes DebugBundle


Classes Configuration DebugExtension configuration structure. DebugExtension DebugExtension.


addRule(TransformationRuleInterface $rule) Adds a new compilation rule. Parameters TransformationRuleInterface $rule The compilation rule.


interface BundleReaderInterface Reads resource bundle files. Methods mixed read(string $path, string $locale) Reads a resource bundle. string[] getLocales(string $path) Reads the available locales of a resource bundle. Details mixed read(string $path, string $locale) Reads a resource bundle. Parameters string $path The path to the resource bundle. string $locale The locale to read. Return Value mixed Returns an array or {@link \ArrayAcce


class BundleTransformer Compiles a number of resource bundles based on predefined compilation rules. Methods addRule(TransformationRuleInterface $rule) Adds a new compilation rule. compileBundles(CompilationContextInterface $context) Runs the compilation with the given compilation context. createStubs(StubbingContextInterface $context) Details addRule(TransformationRuleInterface $rule) Adds a new compilation rule. Parameters Trans