
window.standend() Turn off the standout attribute. On some terminals this has the side effect of turning off all attributes.


window.setscrreg(top, bottom) Set the scrolling region from line top to line bottom. All scrolling actions will take place in this region.


window.scrollok(flag) Control what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of the window or scrolling region, either as a result of a newline action on the bottom line, or typing the last character of the last line. If flag is false, the cursor is left on the bottom line. If flag is true, the window is scrolled up one line. Note that in order to get the physical scrolling effect on the terminal, it is also necessary to call idlok().


window.scroll([lines=1]) Scroll the screen or scrolling region upward by lines lines.


window.resize(nlines, ncols) Reallocate storage for a curses window to adjust its dimensions to the specified values. If either dimension is larger than the current values, the window’s data is filled with blanks that have the current background rendition (as set by bkgdset()) merged into them.


window.refresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol]) Update the display immediately (sync actual screen with previous drawing/deleting methods). The 6 optional arguments can only be specified when the window is a pad created with newpad(). The additional parameters are needed to indicate what part of the pad and screen are involved. pminrow and pmincol specify the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad. sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, and smaxcol spec


window.redrawwin() Touch the entire window, causing it to be completely redrawn on the next refresh() call.


window.redrawln(beg, num) Indicate that the num screen lines, starting at line beg, are corrupted and should be completely redrawn on the next refresh() call.


window.putwin(file) Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. This information can be later retrieved using the getwin() function.


window.overwrite(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol]) Overwrite the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size, in which case only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is destructive, which means that the current background character overwrites the old contents of destwin. To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of overwrite() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-left coordinates of the source windo