
window.overlay(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol]) Overlay the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size, only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is non-destructive, which means that the current background character does not overwrite the old contents of destwin. To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of overlay() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-left coordinates of the source window, and t


window.noutrefresh() Mark for refresh but wait. This function updates the data structure representing the desired state of the window, but does not force an update of the physical screen. To accomplish that, call doupdate().


window.notimeout(yes) If yes is 1, escape sequences will not be timed out. If yes is 0, after a few milliseconds, an escape sequence will not be interpreted, and will be left in the input stream as is.


window.nodelay(yes) If yes is 1, getch() will be non-blocking.


window.mvwin(new_y, new_x) Move the window so its upper-left corner is at (new_y, new_x).


window.mvderwin(y, x) Move the window inside its parent window. The screen-relative parameters of the window are not changed. This routine is used to display different parts of the parent window at the same physical position on the screen.


window.move(new_y, new_x) Move cursor to (new_y, new_x).


window.leaveok(yes) If yes is 1, cursor is left where it is on update, instead of being at “cursor position.” This reduces cursor movement where possible. If possible the cursor will be made invisible. If yes is 0, cursor will always be at “cursor position” after an update.


window.keypad(yes) If yes is 1, escape sequences generated by some keys (keypad, function keys) will be interpreted by curses. If yes is 0, escape sequences will be left as is in the input stream.


window.is_wintouched() Return True if the specified window was modified since the last call to refresh(); otherwise return False.