Enter newline mode. This mode translates the return key into newline on input, and translates newline into return and line-feed on output. Newline mode is initially on.


curses.newwin(nlines, ncols) curses.newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x) Return a new window, whose left-upper corner is at (begin_y, begin_x), and whose height/width is nlines/ncols. By default, the window will extend from the specified position to the lower right corner of the screen.


curses.newpad(nlines, ncols) Create and return a pointer to a new pad data structure with the given number of lines and columns. A pad is returned as a window object. A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the screen size, and is not necessarily associated with a particular part of the screen. Pads can be used when a large window is needed, and only a part of the window will be on the screen at one time. Automatic refreshes of pads (such as from scrolling or echoing of i


curses.napms(ms) Sleep for ms milliseconds.


curses.mousemask(mousemask) Set the mouse events to be reported, and return a tuple (availmask, oldmask). availmask indicates which of the specified mouse events can be reported; on complete failure it returns 0. oldmask is the previous value of the given window’s mouse event mask. If this function is never called, no mouse events are ever reported.


curses.mouseinterval(interval) Set the maximum time in milliseconds that can elapse between press and release events in order for them to be recognized as a click, and return the previous interval value. The default value is 200 msec, or one fifth of a second.


curses.meta(yes) If yes is 1, allow 8-bit characters to be input. If yes is 0, allow only 7-bit chars.


curses.longname() Return a string containing the terminfo long name field describing the current terminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 characters. It is defined only after the call to initscr().


curses.killchar() Return the user’s current line kill character. Under Unix operating systems this is a property of the controlling tty of the curses program, and is not set by the curses library itself.


curses.keyname(k) Return the name of the key numbered k. The name of a key generating printable ASCII character is the key’s character. The name of a control-key combination is a two-character string consisting of a caret followed by the corresponding printable ASCII character. The name of an alt-key combination (128-255) is a string consisting of the prefix ‘M-‘ followed by the name of the corresponding ASCII character.