
curses.getwin(file) Read window related data stored in the file by an earlier putwin() call. The routine then creates and initializes a new window using that data, returning the new window object.


curses.getsyx() Return the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor in y and x. If leaveok is currently true, then -1,-1 is returned.


curses.getmouse() After getch() returns KEY_MOUSE to signal a mouse event, this method should be call to retrieve the queued mouse event, represented as a 5-tuple (id, x, y, z, bstate). id is an ID value used to distinguish multiple devices, and x, y, z are the event’s coordinates. (z is currently unused.) bstate is an integer value whose bits will be set to indicate the type of event, and will be the bitwise OR of one or more of the following constants, where n is the button number from 1 t


curses.flushinp() Flush all input buffers. This throws away any typeahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been processed by the program.


curses.flash() Flash the screen. That is, change it to reverse-video and then change it back in a short interval. Some people prefer such as ‘visible bell’ to the audible attention signal produced by beep().


curses.filter() The filter() routine, if used, must be called before initscr() is called. The effect is that, during those calls, LINES is set to 1; the capabilities clear, cup, cud, cud1, cuu1, cuu, vpa are disabled; and the home string is set to the value of cr. The effect is that the cursor is confined to the current line, and so are screen updates. This may be used for enabling character-at-a-time line editing without touching the rest of the screen.


exception curses.error Exception raised when a curses library function returns an error.


curses.erasechar() Return the user’s current erase character. Under Unix operating systems this is a property of the controlling tty of the curses program, and is not set by the curses library itself.


curses.endwin() De-initialize the library, and return terminal to normal status.


curses.echo() Enter echo mode. In echo mode, each character input is echoed to the screen as it is entered.