curses.ascii.isdigit(c) Checks for an ASCII decimal digit, '0' through '9'. This is equivalent to c in string.digits.
curses.ascii.isctrl(c) Checks for an ASCII control character (ordinal values 0 to 31).
curses.ascii.iscntrl(c) Checks for an ASCII control character (in the range 0x00 to 0x1f or 0x7f).
curses.ascii.isblank(c) Checks for an ASCII whitespace character; space or horizontal tab.
curses.ascii.isascii(c) Checks for a character value that fits in the 7-bit ASCII set.
curses.ascii.isalpha(c) Checks for an ASCII alphabetic character; it is equivalent to isupper(c) or islower(c).
curses.ascii.isalnum(c) Checks for an ASCII alphanumeric character; it is equivalent to isalpha(c) or isdigit(c).
curses.ascii.ctrl(c) Return the control character corresponding to the given character (the character bit value is bitwise-anded with 0x1f).
curses.ascii.controlnames A 33-element string array that contains the ASCII mnemonics for the thirty-two ASCII control characters from 0 (NUL) to 0x1f (US), in order, plus the mnemonic SP for the space character.
curses.ascii.ascii(c) Return the ASCII value corresponding to the low 7 bits of c.
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