
curses.ascii.alt(c) Return the 8-bit character corresponding to the given ASCII character (the character bit value is bitwise-ored with 0x80).


value This attribute contains the actual value of the instance. For integer and pointer types, it is an integer, for character types, it is a single character bytes object or string, for character pointer types it is a Python bytes object or string. When the value attribute is retrieved from a ctypes instance, usually a new object is returned each time. ctypes does not implement original object return, always a new object is constructed. The same is true for all other ctypes object instances


class ctypes._SimpleCData This non-public class is the base class of all fundamental ctypes data types. It is mentioned here because it contains the common attributes of the fundamental ctypes data types. _SimpleCData is a subclass of _CData, so it inherits their methods and attributes. ctypes data types that are not and do not contain pointers can now be pickled. Instances have a single attribute: value This attribute contains the actual value of the instance. For integer and pointer typ


_type_ Specifies the type pointed to.


contents Returns the object to which to pointer points. Assigning to this attribute changes the pointer to point to the assigned object.


class ctypes._Pointer Private, abstract base class for pointers. Concrete pointer types are created by calling POINTER() with the type that will be pointed to; this is done automatically by pointer(). If a pointer points to an array, its elements can be read and written using standard subscript and slice accesses. Pointer objects have no size, so len() will raise TypeError. Negative subscripts will read from the memory before the pointer (as in C), and out-of-range subscripts will probably c


restype Assign a ctypes type to specify the result type of the foreign function. Use None for void, a function not returning anything. It is possible to assign a callable Python object that is not a ctypes type, in this case the function is assumed to return a C int, and the callable will be called with this integer, allowing further processing or error checking. Using this is deprecated, for more flexible post processing or error checking use a ctypes data type as restype and assign a calla


errcheck Assign a Python function or another callable to this attribute. The callable will be called with three or more arguments: callable(result, func, arguments) result is what the foreign function returns, as specified by the restype attribute. func is the foreign function object itself, this allows reusing the same callable object to check or post process the results of several functions. arguments is a tuple containing the parameters originally passed to the function call, this allo


argtypes Assign a tuple of ctypes types to specify the argument types that the function accepts. Functions using the stdcall calling convention can only be called with the same number of arguments as the length of this tuple; functions using the C calling convention accept additional, unspecified arguments as well. When a foreign function is called, each actual argument is passed to the from_param() class method of the items in the argtypes tuple, this method allows adapting the actual argum


class ctypes._FuncPtr Base class for C callable foreign functions. Instances of foreign functions are also C compatible data types; they represent C function pointers. This behavior can be customized by assigning to special attributes of the foreign function object. restype Assign a ctypes type to specify the result type of the foreign function. Use None for void, a function not returning anything. It is possible to assign a callable Python object that is not a ctypes type, in this case t