
curses.baudrate() Return the output speed of the terminal in bits per second. On software terminal emulators it will have a fixed high value. Included for historical reasons; in former times, it was used to write output loops for time delays and occasionally to change interfaces depending on the line speed.


curses.ascii.unctrl(c) Return a string representation of the ASCII character c. If c is printable, this string is the character itself. If the character is a control character (0x00-0x1f) the string consists of a caret ('^') followed by the corresponding uppercase letter. If the character is an ASCII delete (0x7f) the string is '^?'. If the character has its meta bit (0x80) set, the meta bit is stripped, the preceding rules applied, and '!' prepended to the result.


curses.ascii.isxdigit(c) Checks for an ASCII hexadecimal digit. This is equivalent to c in string.hexdigits.


curses.ascii.isupper(c) Checks for an ASCII uppercase letter.


curses.ascii.isspace(c) Checks for ASCII white-space characters; space, line feed, carriage return, form feed, horizontal tab, vertical tab.


curses.ascii.ispunct(c) Checks for any printable ASCII character which is not a space or an alphanumeric character.


curses.ascii.isprint(c) Checks for any ASCII printable character including space.


curses.ascii.ismeta(c) Checks for a non-ASCII character (ordinal values 0x80 and above).


curses.ascii.islower(c) Checks for an ASCII lower-case character.


curses.ascii.isgraph(c) Checks for ASCII any printable character except space.