
WP8 Guides Windows Phone 8 Platform Guide Windows Phone 8 Plugins Upgrading Windows Phone 8

Windows Plugins

Windows Plugins This section provides details for how to implement a plugin for use in a Windows Store app for Windows 8.1 phone and desktop, and Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10+). Before reading this, see Create your first plugin for an overview of the plugin's structure and its common JavaScript interface. This section continues to demonstrate the sample echo plugin that communicates from the Cordova webview to the native platform and back. Creating a Windows Plugin in JavaScript Windo

Windows Platform

Windows Platform Guide This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment to build and deploy Cordova apps for Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 10 Universal App Platform. It shows how to use either shell tools to generate and build apps, or the cross-platform Cordova CLI. (See the Overview for a comparison of these development options.) This section also shows how to modify Cordova apps within Visual Studio. Regardless of which approach you take, you need to install the

Windows Phone 8 Plugins

Windows Phone 8 Plugins This section provides details for how to implement native plugin code on the Windows Phone platform. Before reading this, see Plugin Development Guide for an overview of the plugin's structure and its common JavaScript interface. This section continues to demonstrate the sample echo plugin that communicates from the Cordova webview to the native platform and back. Writing a plugin for Cordova on Windows Phone requires a basic understanding of Cordova's architecture. Cord

Windows Phone 8.0 WebViews

Windows Phone 8.0 WebViews This guide shows how to embed a Cordova-enabled WebView component within a larger Windows Phone 8.0 application. To follow these instructions, make sure you have the latest Cordova distribution. Download it from cordova.apache.org and unzip its Windows Phone 8.0 package (cordova-wp8-*.zip). Navigate to the package's wp8/framework directory and build WPCordovaClassLib.sln. It creates the Bin\Debug[Release]\WPCordovaClassLib.dll. Copy the WPCordovaClassLib.dll file int

Windows Phone 8 Platform

Windows Phone 8 Platform Guide This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment to deploy Cordova apps for Windows Phone devices. It focuses on Windows Phone 8, but provides additional details on how to support Windows Phone 7. It shows how to use either Windows Phone-specific shell tools to generate and build apps, or the cross-platform Cordova CLI discussed in The Command-Line Interface. (See the Overview for a comparison of these development workflows.) This section also shows


Whitelist Guide Domain whitelisting is a security model that controls access to external domains over which your application has no control. Cordova provides a configurable security policy to define which external sites may be accessed. By default, new apps are configured to allow access to any site. Before moving your application to production, you should formulate a whitelist and allow access to specific network domains and subdomains. For Android (as of its 4.0 release), Cordova's security p


volumedownbutton The event fires when the user presses the volume down button. If you need to override the default volume down behavior you can register an event listener for the volumedownbutton event. Quick Example document.addEventListener("volumedownbutton", onVolumeDownKeyDown, false); function onVolumeDownKeyDown() { // Handle the volume down button }


volumeupbutton The event fires when the user presses the volume up button. If you need to override the default volume up behavior you can register an event listener for the volumeupbutton event. Quick Example document.addEventListener("volumeupbutton", onVolumeUpKeyDown, false); function onVolumeUpKeyDown() { // Handle the volume up button }

Upgrading Windows Phone 8

Upgrading Windows Phone 8 This guide shows how to modify Windows Phone 8 projects, to upgrade from older versions of Cordova. Some of these instructions apply to projects created with an older set of command-line tools that precede the cordova CLI utility. See The Command-Line Interface for information how to update the version of the CLI. The following section shows how to upgrade from non-CLI and CLI projects. Upgrading 3.6.0 Projects to 4.0.0 For non-CLI projects, run: bin/update path/to/pro