Using Plugman to Manage Plugins

Using Plugman to Manage Plugins From version 3.0 onward, Cordova implements all device APIs as plugins, and leaves them disabled by default. It also supports two different ways to add and remove plugins, depending on your choice of workflow discussed in the Overview: If you use a cross-platform workflow, you use the cordova CLI utility to add plugins, as described in The Command-Line Interface. The CLI modifies plugins for all specified platforms at once. If you use a platform-centered workflow

Upgrading iOS

Upgrading iOS This guide shows how to modify iOS projects to upgrade from older versions of Cordova. Most of these instructions apply to projects created with an older set of command-line tools that precede the cordova CLI utility. See The Command-Line Interface for information how to update the version of the CLI. NOTE: Xcode 6 is required. Currently, to submit to the Apple App Store, you should use the latest shipped version of the iOS SDK, which is iOS 8 and this is included only with Xcode

Upgrading Windows

Upgrading Windows For upgrading from windows version 4.0.0 or higher, run cordova platform update windows. For projects not created with the cordova CLI, run: bin\update <project_path> Upgrading Windows 8 This is for people still using windows8 platform to upgrade from older versions of Cordova. Most of these instructions apply to projects created with an older set of command-line tools that precede the cordova CLI utility. See The Command-Line Interface for information how to update the

Upgrading BlackBerry 10

Upgrading BlackBerry 10 This guide shows how to modify BlackBerry projects to upgrade from older versions of Cordova. Most of these instructions apply to projects created with an older set of command-line tools that precede the cordova CLI utility. See The Command-Line Interface for information how to update the version of the CLI. Upgrading 3.6.0 Projects to 4.0.0 For non-CLI projects, run: bin/update path/to/project For CLI projects: Update the cordova CLI version. See The Command-Line Inter

Upgrading Android

Upgrading Android This guide shows how to modify Android projects to upgrade from older versions of Cordova. Most of these instructions apply to projects created with an older set of command-line tools that precede the cordova CLI utility. See The Command-Line Interface for information how to update the version of the CLI. Upgrading to 5.X.X The best way to upgrade to 5.X.X is to simply remove the Android platform from your project and re-add it with the new version. For example, cordova platfo

Ubuntu Platform

Ubuntu Platform Guide This guide shows how to set up a development environment for creating Cordova applications for Ubuntu. You will need an Ubuntu system for building applications, either running natively or in a virtual machine. You will also need an Ubuntu phone for testing your application, though an emulator can be used for basic verifications. Development Platform Requirements Minimum and Recommended Versions Developing Cordova apps requires a system running Ubuntu. The recommended envir


Security Guide The following guide includes some security best practices that you should consider when developing a Cordova application. Please be aware that security is a very complicated topic and therefore this guide is not exhaustive. If you believe you can contribute to this guide, please feel free to file an issue in Cordova's bug tracker under "Documentation". This guide is designed to be applicable to general Cordova development (all platforms) but special platform-specific consideratio


Storage Several storage APIs are available for Cordova applications. See html5rocks storage overview and tutorial, for a more complete overview and examples. Each API offers advantages and disadvantages, which are summarized here. You should choose whichever best suits your needs. You can also use several different approaches within a single application for different purposes. LocalStorage Local storage provides simple, synchronous key/value pair storage, and is supported by the underlying WebV


startcallbutton The event fires when the user presses the start call button. If you need to override the default start call behavior you can register an event listener for the startcallbutton event. Quick Example document.addEventListener("startcallbutton", onStartCallKeyDown, false); function onStartCallKeyDown() { // Handle the start call button }


searchbutton The event fires when the user presses the search button on Android. If you need to override the default search button behavior on Android you can register an event listener for the 'searchbutton' event. Quick Example document.addEventListener("searchbutton", onSearchKeyDown, false); function onSearchKeyDown() { // Handle the search button }