
histogram.value([value]) If value is specified, sets the value accessor to the specified function or constant and returns this histogram generator. If value is not specified, returns the current value accessor, which defaults to the identity function. When a histogram is generated, the value accessor will be invoked for each element in the input data array, being passed the element d, the index i, and the array data as three arguments. The default value accessor assumes that the input data a


histogram.thresholds([count]) histogram.thresholds([thresholds]) If thresholds is specified, sets the threshold generator to the specified function or array and returns this histogram generator. If thresholds is not specified, returns the current threshold generator, which by default implements Sturges’ formula. (Thus by default, the histogram values must be numbers!) Thresholds are defined as an array of values [x0, x1, …]. Any value less than x0 will be placed in the first bin; any value


histogram.domain([domain]) If domain is specified, sets the domain accessor to the specified function or array and returns this histogram generator. If domain is not specified, returns the current domain accessor, which defaults to extent. The histogram domain is defined as an array [min, max], where min is the minimum observable value and max is the maximum observable value; both values are inclusive. Any value outside of this domain will be ignored when the histogram is generated. For exam


histogram(data) Computes the histogram for the given array of data samples. Returns an array of bins, where each bin is an array containing the associated elements from the input data. Thus, the length of the bin is the number of elements in that bin. Each bin has two additional attributes: x0 - the lower bound of the bin (inclusive). x1 - the upper bound of the bin (exclusive, except for the last bin).


hill.ratio([ratio]) Defaults to 1. With a ratio of 0, this projection becomes the Maurer No. 73. As it approaches ∞, the projection converges to the Eckert IV.


healpix.lobes([lobes]) If lobes is specified, sets the number of lobes (the parameter H in the literature) and returns this projection. If lobes is not specified, returns the current lobe number, which defaults to 4.


hammerRetroazimuthal.parallel([parallel]) Defaults to 45°.


hammer.coefficient([coefficient]) Defaults to 2.


graticule.stepMinor([step]) If step is specified, sets the minor step for this graticule. If step is not specified, returns the current minor step, which defaults to ⟨10°, 10°⟩.


graticule.stepMajor([step]) If step is specified, sets the major step for this graticule. If step is not specified, returns the current major step, which defaults to ⟨90°, 360°⟩.