
geograticule [options…] Generates a GeoJSON graticule. See also d3.geoGraticule.


geo2svg [options…] [file] Converts the specified GeoJSON file to SVG. With --newline-delimited, each input feature is rendered as a separate path element; otherwise, a single path element is generated. By default, the SVG’s fill is set to none and the stroke is set to black. To override these values on a per-feature basis, the following GeoJSON feature properties will be propagated to attributes: fill fill-rule (or fillRule) fill-opacity (or fillOpacity) stroke stroke-width (or strokeWidth)


force.initialize(nodes) Assigns the array of nodes to this force. This method is called when a force is bound to a simulation via simulation.force and when the simulation’s nodes change via simulation.nodes. A force may perform necessary work during initialization, such as evaluating per-node parameters, to avoid repeatedly performing work during each application of the force.


force(alpha) Applies this force, optionally observing the specified alpha. Typically, the force is applied to the array of nodes previously passed to force.initialize, however, some forces may apply to a subset of nodes, or behave differently. For example, d3.forceLink applies to the source and target of each link.


event.on(typenames, [listener]) Equivalent to drag.on, but only applies to the current drag gesture. Before the drag gesture starts, a copy of the current drag event listeners is made. This copy is bound to the current drag gesture and modified by event.on. This is useful for temporary listeners that only receive events for the current drag gesture. For example, this start event listener registers temporary drag and end event listeners as closures: function started() { var circle = d3.sele


elastic.period(p) Returns a new elastic easing with the specified period p.


elastic.amplitude(a) Returns a new elastic easing with the specified amplitude a.


edge Each edge in the diagram is an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] with two additional properties: left - the site on the left side of the edge. right - the site on the right side of the edge; null for a clipped border edge.


ease(t) Given the specified normalized time t, typically in the range [0,1], returns the “eased” time tʹ, also typically in [0,1]. 0 represents the start of the animation and 1 represents the end. A good implementation returns 0 if t = 0 and 1 if t = 1. See the easing explorer for a visual demonstration. For example, to apply cubic easing: var te = d3.easeCubic(t); Similarly, to apply custom elastic easing: // Before the animation starts, create your easing function. var customElastic = d3.eas


dsv2json [options…] [file] Converts the specified DSV input file to JSON. If file is not specified, defaults to reading from stdin. For example, to convert to CSV to JSON: csv2json < example.csv > example.json Or to convert CSV to a newline-delimited JSON stream: csv2json -n < example.csv > example.ndjson