
d3.geoTimes() d3.geoTimesRaw John Muir’s Times projection.


d3.geoStream(object, stream) Streams the specified GeoJSON object to the specified projection stream. While both features and geometry objects are supported as input, the stream interface only describes the geometry, and thus additional feature properties are not visible to streams.


geostitch [options…] [file] Stitches the GeoJSON object in the specified input file, removing antimeridian and polar cuts, and replacing straight Cartesian line segments with geodesic segments. The input object must have coordinates in longitude and latitude in decimal degrees per RFC 7946. Antimeridian cutting, if needed, can then be re-applied after rotating to the desired projection aspect. See geoproject for an example. See also d3.geoStitch.


d3.geoStereographic() d3.geoStereographicRaw The stereographic projection; see d3-geo.


d3.geoStereographic() d3.geoStereographicRaw The stereographic projection.


d3.geoSinusoidal() d3.geoSinusoidalRaw The sinusoidal projection.


d3.geoSinuMollweide() d3.geoSinuMollweideRaw Allen K. Philbrick’s Sinu-Mollweide projection. See also the interrupted form.


d3.geoSatellite() d3.geoSatelliteRaw(P, omega) The satellite (tilted perspective) projection.


d3.geoRotation(angles) Returns a rotation function for the given angles, which must be a two- or three-element array of numbers [lambda, phi, gamma] specifying the rotation angles in degrees about each spherical axis. (These correspond to yaw, pitch and roll.) If the rotation angle gamma is omitted, it defaults to 0. See also projection.rotate.


d3.geoRobinson() d3.geoRobinsonRaw The Robinson projection.