d3.geoGinzburg8() d3.geoGinzburg8Raw The Ginzburg VIII projection.
d3.geoGinzburg6() d3.geoGinzburg6Raw The Ginzburg VI projection.
d3.geoGinzburg5() d3.geoGinzburg5Raw The Ginzburg V projection.
d3.geoGinzburg4() d3.geoGinzburg4Raw The Ginzburg IV projection.
d3.geoGingery() d3.geoGingeryRaw(rho, lobes) The U.S.-centric Gingery world projection, as inspired by Cram’s Air Age. Note: requires clipping to the sphere.
d3.geoGilbert([type]) Gilbert’s two-world perspective projection. Wraps an instance of the specified projection type; if not specified, defaults to d3.geoOrthographic.
d3.geoFoucaut() d3.geoFoucautRaw Foucaut’s stereographic equivalent projection.
d3.geoFahey() d3.geoFaheyRaw The Fahey pseudocylindrical projection.
d3.geoEquirectangular() d3.geoEquirectangularRaw The equirectangular (plate carrée) projection; see d3-geo. The Cassini projection is the transverse aspect of the equirectangular projection.
d3.geoEquirectangular() d3.geoEquirectangularRaw The equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
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