
d3.geoAlbers() The Albers’ equal area-conic projection. This is a U.S.-centric configuration of d3.geoConicEqualArea.


d3.geoAitoff() d3.geoAitoffRaw The Aitoff projection.


d3.formatLocale(definition) Returns a locale object for the specified definition with locale.format and locale.formatPrefix methods. The definition must include the following properties: decimal - the decimal point (e.g., "."). thousands - the group separator (e.g., ","). grouping - the array of group sizes (e.g., [3]), cycled as needed. currency - the currency prefix and suffix (e.g., ["$", ""]). Note that the thousands property is a misnomer, as the grouping definition allows groups o


d3.formatDefaultLocale(definition) Equivalent to d3.formatLocale, except it also redefines d3.format and d3.formatPrefix to the new locale’s locale.format and locale.formatPrefix. If you do not set a default locale, it defaults to U.S. English.


d3.formatPrefix(specifier, value) An alias for locale.formatPrefix on the default locale.


d3.formatSpecifier(specifier) Parses the specified specifier, returning an object with exposed fields that correspond to the format specification mini-language and a toString method that reconstructs the specifier. For example, formatSpecifier("s") returns: { "fill": " ", "align": ">", "sign": "-", "symbol": "", "zero": false, "width": undefined, "comma": false, "precision": 6, "type": "s" } This method is useful for understanding how format specifiers are parsed and for


d3.format(specifier) An alias for locale.format on the default locale.


d3.forceY([y]) Creates a new positioning force along the y-axis towards the given position y. If y is not specified, it defaults to 0.


d3.forceX([x]) Creates a new positioning force along the x-axis towards the given position x. If x is not specified, it defaults to 0.


d3.forceSimulation([nodes]) Creates a new simulation with the specified array of nodes and no forces. If nodes is not specified, it defaults to the empty array. The simulator starts automatically; use simulation.on to listen for tick events as the simulation runs. If you wish to run the simulation manually instead, call simulation.stop, and then call simulation.tick as desired.