d3.easeQuadIn(t) Quadratic easing; equivalent to polyIn.exponent(2).
d3.easePolyOut(t) Reverse polynomial easing; equivalent to 1 - polyIn(1 - t). If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubicOut.
d3.easeQuadOut(t) Reverse quadratic easing; equivalent to 1 - quadIn(1 - t). Also equivalent to polyOut.exponent(2).
d3.easeQuad(t) d3.easeQuadInOut(t) Symmetric quadratic easing; scales quadIn for t in [0, 0.5] and quadOut for t in [0.5, 1]. Also equivalent to poly.exponent(2).
d3.easePoly(t) d3.easePolyInOut(t) Symmetric polynomial easing; scales polyIn for t in [0, 0.5] and polyOut for t in [0.5, 1]. If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubic.
d3.easeLinear(t) Linear easing; the identity function; linear(t) returns t.
d3.easePolyIn(t) Polynomial easing; raises t to the specified exponent. If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubicIn.
d3.easeExpOut(t) Reverse exponential easing; equivalent to 1 - expIn(1 - t).
d3.easeElasticInOut(t) Symmetric elastic easing; scales elasticIn for t in [0, 0.5] and elasticOut for t in [0.5, 1].
d3.easeExpIn(t) Exponential easing; raises 2 to the exponent 10 * (t - 1).
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