
statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.pad SimpleTable.pad(s, width, align) [source] DEPRECATED: just use the pad function


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.label_cells SimpleTable.label_cells(func) [source] Return None. Labels cells based on func. If func(cell) is None then its datatype is not changed; otherwise it is set to func(cell).


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.insert_stubs SimpleTable.insert_stubs(loc, stubs) [source] Return None. Insert column of stubs at column loc. If there is a header row, it gets an empty cell. So len(stubs) should equal the number of non-header rows.


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.insert SimpleTable.insert(idx, row, datatype=None) [source] Return None. Insert a row into a table.


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.insert_header_row SimpleTable.insert_header_row(rownum, headers, dec_below='header_dec_below') [source] Return None. Insert a row of headers, where headers is a sequence of strings. (The strings may contain newlines, to indicated multiline headers.)


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.index SimpleTable.index(value[, start[, stop]]) ? integer -- return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.extend SimpleTable.extend() L.extend(iterable) ? extend list by appending elements from the iterable


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.get_colwidths SimpleTable.get_colwidths(output_format, **fmt_dict) [source] Return list, the widths of each column.


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.extend_right SimpleTable.extend_right(table) [source] Return None. Extend each row of self with corresponding row of table. Does not import formatting from table. This generally makes sense only if the two tables have the same number of rows, but that is not enforced. :note: To extend append a table below, just use extend, which is the ordinary list method. This generally makes sense only if the two tables have the same number of columns, but that is not e


statsmodels.iolib.table.SimpleTable.as_text SimpleTable.as_text(**fmt_dict) [source] Return string, the table as text.