
WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new spring frequency. Function Synopsis WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency( freq ) Arguments number freq The new frequency in hertz. Returns Nothing. See Also WheelJoint WheelJoint:getSpringFrequency


(File):flush Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Flushes any buffered written data in the file to the disk. Function Synopsis success, err = File:flush( ) Arguments None. Returns boolean success Whether the file successfully flushed any buffered data to the disk. string err (nil) The error string, if an error occurred and the file could not be flushed. See Also File File:write File:setBuffer

enet.host:total received data

enet.host:total received data Returns the number of bytes that were received by the given host. Function Synopsis host:total_received_data() Arguments None. Returns number bytes The total number of bytes received. See Also lua-enet enet.host enet.host:total_sent_data


Source:setVelocity Available since LÖVE 0.7.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Sets the velocity of the Source. This does not change the position of the Source, but lets the application know how it has to calculate the doppler effect. Function Synopsis Source:setVelocity( x, y, z ) Arguments number x The X part of the velocity vector. number y The Y part of the velocity vector. number z The Z part of the velocity vector. Returns Nothing. See Also Source


Fixture:testPoint Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Checks if a point is inside the shape of the fixture. Function Synopsis isInside = Fixture:testPoint( x, y ) Arguments number x The x position of the point. number y The y position of the point. Returns boolean isInside True if the point is inside or false if it is outside. See Also Fixture


ImageData:encode Encodes the ImageData and optionally writes it to the save directory. Function Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 This variant is not supported in earlier versions. Synopsis filedata = ImageData:encode( format, filename ) Arguments ImageFormat format The format to encode the image as. string filename (nil) The filename to write the file to. If nil, no file will be written but the FileData will still be returned. Returns FileData filedata The encoded image as a new FileData o


WeldJoint:setDampingRatio Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 This method is not supported in earlier versions. Sets a new damping ratio. Function Synopsis WeldJoint:setDampingRatio( ratio ) Arguments number ratio The new damping ratio. Returns Nothing. See Also WeldJoint WeldJoint:getDampingRatio


SoundData:getChannels Returns the number of channels in the stream. Function Synopsis channels = SoundData:getChannels( ) Arguments None. Returns number channels 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. See Also SoundData


PulleyJoint:getMaxLengths Get the maximum lengths of the rope segments. Function Synopsis len1, len2 = PulleyJoint:getMaxLengths( ) Arguments None. Returns number len1 The maximum length of the first rope segment. number len2 The maximum length of the second rope segment. See Also PulleyJoint


Source:setVolume Sets the current volume of the Source. Function Synopsis Source:setVolume( volume ) Arguments number volume The volume for a Source, where 1.0 is normal volume. Volume cannot be raised above 1.0. Returns Nothing. Examples Make a sound quieter or completely silent. function love.load() sound = love.audio.newSource("sound.wav")   -- Note that this code, as-is, will set the volume to 0.0, as per the last line, and that's how sound:play() will play it back. sound: