
love.getVersion Available since LÖVE 0.9.1 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Gets the current running version of LÖVE. Function Synopsis major, minor, revision, codename = love.getVersion( ) Arguments None. Returns number major The major version of LÖVE, i.e. 0 for version 0.9.1. number minor The minor version of LÖVE, i.e. 9 for version 0.9.1. number revision The revision version of LÖVE, i.e. 1 for version 0.9.1. string codename The codename of the current version, Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Discards (trashes) the contents of the screen or active Canvas. This is a performance optimization function with niche use cases. If the active Canvas has just been changed and the "replace" BlendMode is about to be used to draw something which covers the entire screen, calling rather than calling or doing nothing may improve performance on mobile


Thread:getName Available since LÖVE 0.7.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier or later versions. Get the name of a thread. Function Synopsis name = Thread:getName( ) Arguments None. Returns string name The name of the thread. See Also Thread Clears the screen to the background color in LÖVE 0.9.2 and earlier, or to the specified color in 0.10.0 and newer. This function is called automatically before love.draw in the default function. See the example in for a typical use of this function. Note that the scissor area bounds the cleared region. Function Clears the screen to the background color in 0.9.2 and earlier, or to transparent black (0, 0, 0, 0) in LÖVE 0.10.0 and newer. Synopsis


love.mouse.isVisible Checks if the cursor is visible. Function Synopsis visible = love.mouse.isVisible( ) Arguments None. Returns boolean visible True if the cursor to visible, false if the cursor is hidden. Examples Toggle mouse visibility by pressing tab (using setVisible). function love.keypressed(key) if key == "tab" then local state = not love.mouse.isVisible() -- the opposite of whatever it currently is love.mouse.setVisible(state) end end See Also love.mouse


Canvas:getWrap Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 It has been renamed from Framebuffer:getWrap. Gets the wrapping properties of a Canvas. This function returns the currently set horizontal and vertical wrapping modes for the Canvas. Function Synopsis horiz, vert = Canvas:getWrap( ) Arguments None. Returns WrapMode horiz Horizontal wrapping mode of the Canvas. WrapMode vert Vertical wrapping mode of the Canvas. See Also Canvas Canvas:setWrap WrapMode


ParticleSystem:setColors Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 It has replaced ParticleSystem:setColor. Sets a series of colors to apply to the particle sprite. The particle system will interpolate between each color evenly over the particle's lifetime. Arguments can be passed in groups of four, representing the components of the desired RGBA value, or as tables of RGBA component values, with a default alpha value of 255 if only three values are given. At least one color must be specified. A maximum Draws lines between points. Function Synopsis x1, y1, x2, y2, ... ) Arguments number x1 The position of first point on the x-axis. number y1 The position of first point on the y-axis. number x2 The position of second point on the x-axis. number y2 The position of second point on the y-axis. number ... You can continue passing point positions to draw a polyline. Returns Nothing. Function Synopsis points ) Arguments table points Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 It has replaced Draws one or more points. Function Synopsis x, y, ... ) Arguments number x The position of the first point on the x-axis. number y The position of the first point on the y-axis. number ... The x and y coordinates of additional points. Returns Nothing. Function Synopsis points ) Arguments table points A table containing multiple point positions, in the for


love.releaseerrhand Removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 This callback is not supported in that and later versions. Function Synopsis love.releaseerrhand( msg ) Arguments string msg The error message. Returns Nothing. Examples The default function used if you don't supply your own. function love.releaseerrhand(msg) print("An error has occured, the game has been stopped.")   if not or not love.event or not then return end love.g