Term::ANSIColor - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONSupported Colors Function Interface Constant Interface The Color Stack DIAGNOSTICS ENVIRONMENT COMPATIBILITY RESTRICTIONS NOTES AUTHORS COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE SEE ALSO NAME Term::ANSIColor - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences SYNOPSIS use Term::ANSIColor; print color('bold blue'); print "This text is bold blue.\n"; print color('reset'); print "This text is normal.\n"; print colored("Yellow on magenta.", 'yellow on_magenta'), "\n"; print "This text is nor


telldir DIRHANDLE Returns the current position of the readdir routines on DIRHANDLE. Value may be given to seekdir to access a particular location in a directory. telldir has the same caveats about possible directory compaction as the corresponding system library routine.


tell FILEHANDLE tell Returns the current position in bytes for FILEHANDLE, or -1 on error. FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the actual filehandle. If FILEHANDLE is omitted, assumes the file last read. Note the in bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the :encoding(utf8) open layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because that would render seek() and tell() rather slow). The return value of

TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer - Write YAMLish data

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Instance Methods AUTHOR SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT NAME TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer - Write YAMLish data VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer; my $data = { one => 1, two => 2, three => [ 1, 2, 3 ], }; my $yw = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer->new; # Write to an array... $yw->write( $data, \@some_array ); # ...an open file handle... $yw->write( $data, $some_file_handle ); # ...a string .

TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader - Read YAMLish data from iterator

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Instance Methods AUTHOR SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT NAME TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader - Read YAMLish data from iterator VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Note that parts of this code were derived from YAML::Tiny with the permission of Adam Kennedy. METHODS Class Methods new The constructor new creates and returns an empty TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader object. my $reader = TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader->new; Instance Methods read my $

TAP::Parser::Source - a TAP source & meta data about it

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Instance Methods AUTHORS SEE ALSO NAME TAP::Parser::Source - a TAP source & meta data about it VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::Source; my $source = TAP::Parser::Source->new; $source->raw( \'reference to raw TAP source' ) ->config( \%config ) ->merge( $boolean ) ->switches( \@switches ) ->test_args( \@args ) ->assemble_meta; do { ... } if $source->meta->{is

TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner - A no-op job.

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Instance Methods SEE ALSO NAME TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner - A no-op job. VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner; DESCRIPTION A no-op job. Returned by TAP::Parser::Scheduler as an instruction to the harness to spin (keep executing tests) while the scheduler can't return a real job. METHODS Class Methods new my $job = TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner->new; Ignores any arguments and returns a new TAP::

TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job - A single testing job.

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Instance Methods Attributes NAME TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job - A single testing job. VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job; DESCRIPTION Represents a single test 'job'. METHODS Class Methods new my $job = TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job->new( $filename, $description ); Given the filename and description of a test as scalars, returns a new TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job object. Instance Methods on_finish $sel

TAP::Parser::Scheduler - Schedule tests during parallel testing

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION METHODSClass Methods Rules data structure Instance Methods NAME TAP::Parser::Scheduler - Schedule tests during parallel testing VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::Scheduler; DESCRIPTION METHODS Class Methods new my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new(tests => \@tests); my $sched = TAP::Parser::Scheduler->new( tests => [ ['t/test_name.t','Test Description'], ... ], rules => \%rules, ); Given 'tests' and optional 'rules

TAP::Parser::ResultFactory - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects

NAME SYNOPSIS VERSIONDESCRIPTION METHODS Class Methods SUBCLASSINGExample SEE ALSO NAME TAP::Parser::ResultFactory - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects SYNOPSIS use TAP::Parser::ResultFactory; my $token = {...}; my $factory = TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->new; my $result = $factory->make_result( $token ); VERSION Version 3.35 DESCRIPTION This is a simple factory class which returns a TAP::Parser::Result subclass representing the current bit of test data from TAP (usual