Test::Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics

NAME VERSION SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONSruntests( @test_files ) execute_tests( tests => \@test_files, out => \*FH ) EXPORT ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES THAT TAP::HARNESS::COMPATIBLE SETS ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES THAT AFFECT TEST::HARNESS Taint Mode SEE ALSO BUGS AUTHORS LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT NAME Test::Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics VERSION Version 3.35 SYNOPSIS use Test::Harness; runtests(@test_files); DESCRIPTION Although, for historical reasons, the Test::Harne

Test::Builder::Tester::Color - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION AUTHOR BUGS SEE ALSO NAME Test::Builder::Tester::Color - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester SYNOPSIS When running a test script perl -MTest::Builder::Tester::Color test.t DESCRIPTION Importing this module causes the subroutine color in Test::Builder::Tester to be called with a true value causing colour highlighting to be turned on in debug output. The sole purpose of this module is to enable colour highlighting from the command line. AUTHOR Copyright Mark Fo

Test::Builder::Tester - test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONFunctions BUGS AUTHOR MAINTAINERS NOTES SEE ALSO NAME Test::Builder::Tester - test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder SYNOPSIS use Test::Builder::Tester tests => 1; use Test::More; test_out("not ok 1 - foo"); test_fail(+1); fail("foo"); test_test("fail works"); DESCRIPTION A module that helps you test testing modules that are built with Test::Builder. The testing system is designed to be used by performing a three step process for each test you w

Test::Builder::Module - Base class for test modules

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONImporting Builder NAME Test::Builder::Module - Base class for test modules SYNOPSIS # Emulates Test::Simple package Your::Module; my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__; use base 'Test::Builder::Module'; @EXPORT = qw(ok); sub ok ($;$) { my $tb = $CLASS->builder; return $tb->ok(@_); } 1; DESCRIPTION This is a superclass for Test::Builder-based modules. It provides a handful of common functionality and a method of getting at the underlying Test::Builder object. Im

Test::Builder - Backend for building test libraries

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONConstruction Setting up tests Running tests Other Testing Methods Test building utility methods Test style Output Test Status and Info EXIT CODES THREADS MEMORY EXAMPLES SEE ALSO AUTHORS MAINTAINERS COPYRIGHT NAME Test::Builder - Backend for building test libraries SYNOPSIS package My::Test::Module; use base 'Test::Builder::Module'; my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__; sub ok { my($test, $name) = @_; my $tb = $CLASS->builder; $tb->ok($test, $name); } DESCR

Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION QUICK START GUIDEFunctions TEST TYPES ONFAIL BUGS and CAVEATS ENVIRONMENT NOTE SEE ALSO AUTHOR NAME Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts SYNOPSIS use strict; use Test; # use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before MyModule is loaded BEGIN { plan tests => 14, todo => [3,4] } # load your module... use MyModule; # Helpful notes. All note-lines must start with a "#". print "# I'm testing MyModule version $MyModule::VERSION\n"; ok(0);

Terms and List Operators (Leftward)

Terms and List Operators (Leftward) A TERM has the highest precedence in Perl. They include variables, quote and quote-like operators, any expression in parentheses, and any function whose arguments are parenthesized. Actually, there aren't really functions in this sense, just list operators and unary operators behaving as functions because you put parentheses around the arguments. These are all documented in perlfunc. If any list operator (print(), etc.) or any unary operator (chdir(), etc.)

Term::ReadLine - Perl interface to various readline packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions.

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Minimal set of supported functions Additional supported functions EXPORTS ENVIRONMENT NAME Term::ReadLine - Perl interface to various readline packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions. SYNOPSIS use Term::ReadLine; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Simple Perl calc'); my $prompt = "Enter your arithmetic expression: "; my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) { my $res = eval

Term::Complete - Perl word completion module

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION DIAGNOSTICS BUGS AUTHOR NAME Term::Complete - Perl word completion module SYNOPSIS $input = Complete('prompt_string', \@completion_list); $input = Complete('prompt_string', @completion_list); DESCRIPTION This routine provides word completion on the list of words in the array (or array ref). The tty driver is put into raw mode and restored using an operating system specific command, in UNIX-like environments stty . The following command characters are defined: <t

Term::Cap - Perl termcap interface

NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTIONMETHODS EXAMPLES COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE AUTHOR SEE ALSO NAME Term::Cap - Perl termcap interface SYNOPSIS require Term::Cap; $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => $ospeed }; $terminal->Trequire(qw/ce ku kd/); $terminal->Tgoto('cm', $col, $row, $FH); $terminal->Tputs('dl', $count, $FH); $terminal->Tpad($string, $count, $FH); DESCRIPTION These are low-level functions to extract and use capabilities from a terminal capability (termcap