
onChildInputDown : Phaser.Signal This Signal is dispatched whenever a child of this Group emits an onInputDown signal as a resultof having been interacted with by a Pointer. You can bind functions to this Signal instead of toevery child Sprite. This Signal is sent 2 arguments: A reference to the Sprite that triggered the signal, anda reference to the Pointer that caused it. Inherited From Phaser.Group#onChildInputDown Source code: core/Group.js (Line 161)


next() → {any} Advances the group cursor to the next (higher) object in the group. If the cursor is at the end of the group (top child) it is moved the start of the group (bottom child). Returns any - The child the cursor now points to. Inherited From Phaser.Group#next Source code: core/Group.js (Line 833)


name : string A name for this group. Not used internally but useful for debugging. Inherited From Phaser.Group#name Source code: core/Group.js (Line 49)


multiplyAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible) Multiplies the given property by the amount on all children in this group. Group.multiplyAll('x', 2) will x2 the child.x value for each child. Parameters Name Type Description property string The property to multiply, for example 'body.velocity.x' or 'angle'. amount number The amount to multiply the property by. If child.x = 10 then multiplyAll('x', 2) would make child.x = 20. checkAlive boolean If true the property will only be c


moveUp(child) → {any} Moves the given child up one place in this group unless it's already at the top. Parameters Name Type Description child any The child to move up in the group. Returns any - The child that was moved. Inherited From Phaser.Group#moveUp Source code: core/Group.js (Line 945)


moveDown(child) → {any} Moves the given child down one place in this group unless it's already at the bottom. Parameters Name Type Description child any The child to move down in the group. Returns any - The child that was moved. Inherited From Phaser.Group#moveDown Source code: core/Group.js (Line 969)


moveAll(group, silent) → {Phaser.Group} Moves all children from this Group to the Group given. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description group Phaser.Group The new Group to which the children will be moved to. silent boolean <optional> false If true the children will not dispatch the onAddedToGroup event for the new Group. Returns Phaser.Group - The Group to which all the children were moved. Inherited From Phaser.Group#moveAll Source code: core/Group.js (L


[readonly] length : integer Total number of children in this group, regardless of exists/alive status. Inherited From Phaser.Group#length Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2665)


left : number The left coordinate of this Group. It is derived by calling getBounds, calculating the Groups dimensions based on itsvisible children. Inherited From Phaser.Group#left Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2761)


iterate(key, value, returnType, callback, callbackContext, args) → {any} Iterates over the children of the group performing one of several actions for matched children. A child is considered a match when it has a property, named key, whose value is equal to valueaccording to a strict equality comparison. The result depends on the returnType: RETURN_TOTAL: The callback, if any, is applied to all matching children. The number of matched children is returned. RETURN_NONE: The callback, if any,