
manager : Phaser.TweenManager Reference to the TweenManager responsible for updating this Tween. Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 35)


loop(value) → {Phaser.Tween} Enables the looping of this tween. The tween will loop forever, and onComplete will never fire. If value is true then this is the same as setting Tween.repeatAll(-1).If value is false it is the same as setting Tween.repeatAll(0) and will reset the repeatCounter to zero. Usage:game.add.tween(p).to({ x: 700 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true).to({ y: 300 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).to({ x: 0 }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).to({ y: 0 }, 1000, Phaser


isRunning : boolean If the tween is running this is set to true, otherwise false. Tweens that are in a delayed state or waiting to start are considered as being running. Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 113)


isPaused : boolean Is this Tween paused or not? Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 136)


interpolation(interpolation, context, index) → {Phaser.Tween} Sets the interpolation function the tween will use. By default it uses Phaser.Math.linearInterpolation.Also available: Phaser.Math.bezierInterpolation and Phaser.Math.catmullRomInterpolation.The interpolation function is only used if the target properties is an array.If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value and it will set the interpolation function across all of them. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Descripti


generateData(frameRate, data) → {array} This will generate an array populated with the tweened object values from start to end.It works by running the tween simulation at the given frame rate based on the values set-up in and Tween.from.It ignores delay and repeat counts and any chained tweens, but does include child tweens.Just one play through of the tween data is returned, including yoyo if set. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description frameRate number <optional>


game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running Game. Source code: tween/Tween.js (Line 25)


from(properties, duration, ease, autoStart, delay, repeat, yoyo) → {Phaser.Tween} Sets this tween to be a from tween on the properties given. A from tween sets the target to the destination value and tweens to its current value.For example a Sprite with an x coordinate of 100 tweened from x 500 would be set to x 500 and then tweened to x 100 by giving a properties object of { x: 500 }.The ease function allows you define the rate of change. You can pass either a function such as Phaser.Easing.


frameBased : boolean Is this Tween frame or time based? A frame based tween will use the physics elapsed timer when updating. This meansit will retain the same consistent frame rate, regardless of the speed of the device. The duration value given shouldbe given in frames. If the Tween uses a time based update (which is the default) then the duration is given in milliseconds.In this situation a 2000ms tween will last exactly 2 seconds, regardless of the device and how many visual updates the t


easing(ease, index) → {Phaser.Tween} Set easing function this tween will use, i.e. Phaser.Easing.Linear.None.The ease function allows you define the rate of change. You can pass either a function such as Phaser.Easing.Circular.Out or a string such as "Circ".".easeIn", ".easeOut" and "easeInOut" variants are all supported for all ease types.If you have child tweens and pass -1 as the index value it sets the easing function defined here across all of them. Parameters Name Type Argument Default