
Defined in header <cwchar> std::size_t mbrtowc( wchar_t* pwc, const char* s, std::size_t n, std::mbstate_t* ps ); Converts a narrow multibyte character to a wide character. If s is not a null pointer, inspects at most n bytes of the multibyte character string, beginning with the byte pointed to by s to determine the number of bytes necessary to complete the next multibyte character (including any shift sequences


Defined in header <cwchar> std::size_t mbsrtowcs( wchar_t* dst, const char** src, std::size_t len, std::mbstate_t* ps ); Converts a null-terminated multibyte character sequence, which begins in the conversion state described by *ps, from the array whose first element is pointed to by *src to its wide character representation. If dst is not null, converted characters are stored in the successive elements of


Defined in header <cwchar> int mbsinit( const std::mbstate_t* ps); If ps is not a null pointer, the mbsinit function determines whether the pointed-to std::mbstate_t object describes the initial conversion state. Notes Although a zero-initialized std::mbstate_t always represents the initial conversion state, there may be other values of std::mbstate_t that also represent the initial conversion state. Parameters ps - pointer to the std::mbstate_t object to examine


Defined in header <cuchar> std::size_t mbrtoc32( char32_t* pc32, const char* s, std::size_t n, std::mbstate_t* ps ); (since C++11) Converts a narrow multibyte character to its UTF-32 character representation. If s is not a null pointer, inspects at most n bytes of the multibyte character string, beginning with the byte pointed to by s to determine the number of bytes necessary to complete the next multibyte c


Defined in header <algorithm> (1) template< class ForwardIt > ForwardIt max_element(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last); (until C++17) template< class ForwardIt > constexpr ForwardIt max_element(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last); (since C++17) (2) template< class ForwardIt, class Compare > ForwardIt max_element(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, Compare cmp); (until C++17) template< class ForwardIt, class Compare > constexpr ForwardIt max_ele


Defined in header <cuchar> std::size_t mbrtoc16( char16_t* pc16, const char* s, std::size_t n, std::mbstate_t* ps ); (since C++11) Converts a narrow multibyte character to UTF-16 character representation. If s is not a null pointer, inspects at most n bytes of the multibyte character string, beginning with the byte pointed to by s to determine the number of bytes necessary to complete the next multibyte chara


Defined in header <cstdlib> int mblen( const char* s, std::size_t n ); Determines the size, in bytes, of the multibyte character whose first byte is pointed to by s. If s is a null pointer, resets the global conversion state and determined whether shift sequences are used. This function is equivalent to the call std::mbtowc((wchar_t*)0, s, n), except that conversion state of std::mbtowc is unaffected. Notes Each call to mblen updates the internal global conversion state


Defined in header <cwchar> std::size_t mbrlen( const char* s, std::size_t n, std::mbstate_t* ps); Determines the size, in bytes, of the remainder of the multibyte character whose first byte is pointed to by s, given the current conversion state ps. This function is equivalent to the call std::mbrtowc(nullptr, s, n, ps?ps:&internal) for some hidden object internal of type std::mbstate_t, except that the expression ps is evaluated only once. Parameters s - pointer


string_type str( size_type n = 0 ) const; (since C++11) Returns a string representing the indicated sub-match. If n == 0, a string representing entire matched expression is returned. If n > 0 && n < size(), a string representing nth sub-match is returned. if n >= size(), a string representing the unmatched match is returned. The call is equivalent to string_type((*this)[n]); Parameters n - integral number specifying which match to return Return value Retur


void swap( match_results& other ); (since C++11) Exchanges the shared states of two match_results objects. Parameters other - the match_results to swap with Return value (none). Exceptions noexcept specification: noexcept Example See also std::swap(std::match_results) (C++11) specializes the std::swap() algorithm (function template)