
bulletSpeedVariance : number This is a variance added to the speed of Bullets when they are fired.If bullets have a bulletSpeed value of 200, and a bulletSpeedVariance of 50then the actual speed of the Bullets will be between 150 and 250 pixels per second. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 177)


bulletSpeed : number The speed at which the bullets are fired. This value is given in pixels per second, andis used to set the starting velocity of the bullets. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 169)


bullets : Phaser.Group This is the Phaser.Group that contains all of the bullets managed by this plugin. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 39)


bulletRotateToVelocity : boolean Bullets can optionally adjust their rotation in-flight to match their velocity.This can create the effect of a bullet 'pointing' to the path it is following, for examplean arrow being fired from a bow, and works especially well when added to bulletGravity. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 207)


bulletLifespan : number If you've set bulletKillType to Phaser.Weapon.KILL_LIFESPAN this controls the amountof lifespan the Bullets have set on launch. The value is given in milliseconds.When a Bullet hits its lifespan limit it will be automatically killed. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 185)


bulletKillType : integer This controls how the bullets will be killed. The default is Phaser.Weapon.KILL_WORLD_BOUNDS. There are 7 different "kill types" available: Phaser.Weapon.KILL_NEVERThe bullets are never destroyed by the Weapon. It's up to you to destroy them via your own code. Phaser.Weapon.KILL_LIFESPANThe bullets are automatically killed when their bulletLifespan amount expires. Phaser.Weapon.KILL_DISTANCEThe bullets are automatically killed when they exceed bulletDistance pixe


bulletKillDistance : number If you've set bulletKillType to Phaser.Weapon.KILL_DISTANCE this controls the distancethe Bullet can travel before it is automatically killed. The distance is given in pixels. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 192)


bulletKey : string The Texture Key that the Bullets use when rendering.Changing this has no effect on bullets in-flight, only on newly spawned bullets. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 214)


bulletInheritSpriteSpeed : boolean When a Bullet is fired it can optionally inherit the velocity of the trackedSprite if set. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 105)


bulletGravity : Phaser.Point This is the amount of gravity added to the Bullets physics body when fired.Gravity is expressed in pixels / second / second. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 199)